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Cooking Guide in Tower of Fantasy

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Food and treats are items that you can use to restore or increase strength in Tower of Fantasy. Continue reading the article Cooking instructions in our Tower of Fantasy to learn what they do, and how you can craft them, including hidden recipes.


Effects of dishes

| Use to recover or get Buff

The main use of food and dishes is restore health or stamina Your battle or power-ups vary depending on the food and dishes you eat. Since there are no potion items in the game, food and dishes take over that role.

| Restore full state

Another use of food and dishes is prestore satiety, helping you recover more health in less time. You will lose that HP restored if you get too hungry. Therefore, this is necessary, especially if you are trying to regain health immediately.


| Saturation affects HP recovery

The state of satiety is a feature that affects self-healing ability of the character in the game. Higher satiety means your character will recover more HP after being out of battle for 5 seconds. The degree of satiety ranges from 0 being the lowest to 100 being the highest.

Satiety Amount of HP recovered
61-100 Restores 5% HP every 2 seconds
31-60 Restores 3,5% HP every 2 seconds
1-29 Restores 2% HP every 2 seconds
0 Auto recovery won't work


You won't take any damage if the full state reaches 0

Remember that you will don't lose any points if your satiety is 0. It just won't be able to restore your HP automatically. It should only satisfy your character's hunger if you are going to be in a constant battle to save some resources when needed.

| The state of satiety decreases over time

Your satiety will decrease over time, even when you're not moving. Staying on the field for 5 minutes and automatically recovering 10% HP consumes part of your full state.

How to cook food and dishes

| Collect ingredients to cook dishes

You must prepare all the ingredients before you start cooking. You can find the ingredients on open world or by purchasing them through merchants.

| Consumption of food or dishes

The effect of a food or dish that comes from consume them rather than simply cooking or preparing them. You can restore your health and satiety by consuming food or using your character's left or right HP.

Hidden dishes and recipes

| Cook specific ingredients to unlock new recipes and dishes

You can get the recipes by continuing the story, but you won't be able to unlock them all just by following the story. You can experiment and combine different ingredients to discover new recipes and dishes that can help you progress more easily in the game.

Get a reward for unlocking the recipe

Unlocking recipes will also bring you specific rewards. High rarity recipes offer more rewards, but they also require more rare ingredients.

| List of hidden recipes

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