Home » Guide to Pro Build Miss Fortune TFT Season 8.5

Guide to Pro Build Miss Fortune TFT Season 8.5

Hello gamers TFT, I'm AndrewD and this tutorial is about how Build Miss Fortune TFT in the current TFT 8.5 season. I will help you learn information about stats, skills, optimal equipment, hero upgrade cores and the best formations to use Miss Fortune Carry in the game. This is a personal view, if you have any suggestions, please comment below.


Basic Specifications Miss Fortune TFT

Blood AD DPS
750/1350/2430 60/90/135 42/63/95
Attack Range Attack speed Armor
4 0.7 30
Magical resistance Tribe Generation
30 Super Animals Striker/Quick Draw
Skill: Bullet Storm
Mana: 0/120
Activated: Miss Fortune charges for 2 seconds, fires 8 rounds of bullets in a cone towards her target, taking magic damage with the first salvo hit and less magic damage with subsequent salvos.
Damage: 45/65/250
Following Bullet Damage: 25/35/150

Hero Upgrade Core

Rabbit Agent: Get a MissFortune. MissFortune's Bullet Storm skill will be wider, and she will gain 200 virtual armor while activating Bullet Storm.
Pray for rain: Get a MissFortune, after 3 fights, MissFortune will get 8-20 gold (based on stage).

Best Equipment For Miss Fortune TFT

Equipment Animal
Xuyen Phap
Xuyen Phap


With a total mana of up to 120, the coupling The Spear of Shojin is essential for Miss Fortune so that she can quickly launch Bullet Storm in the match.

To maximize the power of the critical shot from Miss Fortune Bullet Storm, combining Jewel Gloves would be a great choice. Besides, Piercing Hammer will be used to destroy formations that create a lot of virtual armor.

Miss Fortune TFT Squad - Super Beast Squad

Tribe/Activation System

5 Super Beast Squad, 2 Guardians, 2 Guardians, 2 Mascots, 2 Super Donkeys, 1 Key Force.


Garen, Ekko, Riven, Alista, Nasus, Miss fortune, Jinx, Vayne.

Team Reviews

Did you know that in Teamfight Tactics, there is a basic but very effective squad in season 8.5? This squad uses many 4-gold generals, regular damage and a lot of resistance to create an extremely strong squad.

The special feature of this lineup is Miss Fortune, the general has the ability to launch extremely formidable ultimate. However, in order for her to show her full potential, Reven will be the one responsible for tanking and keeping the formation safe.


With extremely strong resistance, Riven is almost immortal and plays an important role in protecting teammates. Simultaneously Garen and Ekko are 2 4 gold generals that help increase the extremely good resistance of the Super Beast Squad behind.

When to Build Miss Fortune Carry?

If you find 3 Super Beasts very early and the technology cores related to Super Beast Squad. Or maybe you get a lot of gear pieces like Tears of the Goddess and Oversized Staff.

How to play?

For the Miss Fortune squad, you should give priority to Miss Fortune to get the items first because she will be the first main dame. Absolutely must have Spear Shojin to help her unleash the most ultimate, then AP items like Gem Gloves, Angel Scepter or Giant Slayer.

As for Riven, since he is the main tanker, you should choose Lightning Crossbow, Fire Armor first, then Gai Armor or Blood Armor depending on the lobby. This is how to help Riven become almost invulnerable and protect teammates in the best way. You can also choose the Cross Necklace for Ekko to increase the healing ability of Riven and Garen nearby.

Early game stage

Start by taking Jinx as carry main to bring items for Miss Fortune. The easiest squad to build is 3 Super Beasts with Jinx, Nasus and Sylar, plus Malphite to hit 2 Mascots to increase HP recovery a bit.

The first round of the market, you should prioritize the Tears of the Goddess, the Oversized Stick. Do not choose Sword BF because you only need one piece to match Shojin. Remember to prioritize the first Shojin for Jinx, otherwise defensive items like Fire Armor or Lightning Crossbow are also very important for Riven. Level 4 at stage 2-1.

Mid game

You needlevel 6 after stage 3-2 and send Riven and Vayne into the field to activate 5 Super Beasts, increasing Jinx's damage. However, if you're lucky enough to have Ekko or Garen, it's fine to hit 3 Super Beasts. If you have an Alista, replace Malphite with Aista. Roll your hand a little to optimize the 2-star lineup.

Always keep a Jinx champion on the queue to exchange for Miss Fortune. If you have a choice, prioritize Miss Fortune 1 star instead of Jinx 2 star, because she has the ability to kill tanks very quickly thanks to the Main system.


Late game stage

Choice champion roll time will be very important in the late game. With the Miss Fortune Super Beast squad, roll at level 8 is the best choice because we need 3 pieces of 4-gold general and the main tanker is 3-gold general Riven.

To optimize the lineup, The commune ran out of money as soon as she turned 8 to search for Miss Fortune, Ekko and Garen 2 stars. Many players don't roll hard at 8, which can cause you to miss an important opportunity to get to the top.

You should watch the Lobby a bit, if you see a lot of Spell Dame cards. Let's replace Garen with Leona to increase the milestone of 3 Guardians. If you have a lot of physical Dame cards, replace Aista with a Fiddlestick to add a large area control effect. Instructional articles Build Miss Fortune TFT Ours ends here. If you have any suggestions for this team, please comment below.

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