Home » Guide to Pro Build Warwick TFT Season 8.5

Guide to Pro Build Warwick TFT Season 8.5

Hello gamers TFT, I'm AndrewD and this tutorial is about how Build Warwick TFT in the current TFT 8.5 season. I will help you learn information about stats, skills, optimal equipment, hero upgrade cores and the best formations to use Warwick Carry in the game. This is a personal view, if you have any suggestions, please comment below.


Warwick TFT Basics

Blood AD DPS Attack Range Attack speed
950/ 1710 / 3078 70/105/158 67/100/150 1 0.95
Armor Magical resistance Tribe Generation
50 50 ADMIN/Laser Fighter
Skill: Scratch & Cut
Mana: 40/90
Intrinsic: Warwick gains 25% of his full Lifesteal. After participating in the first kill, he transforms into Slaughter 2.0, gaining 60% attack speed and jumping on new targets until the end of the fight.
Activated: Warwick attacks the target 6 times, dealing 480% AD. If the target is defeated, he gains 10 mana for each uncompleted attack.
% AD: 460/480/1200%.
Full Blood Steal: 20/20/50%.

Hero Upgrade Core

Metadata: Get a Warwick. Deploying Warwick, units on the team deal 0,75% more damage for every 100 health they possess.
Eat Well+: Get a Warwick. Deploying Warwick, the whole team gains 140 max health. Health increases by 1 every 2 times the strongest Warwick attacks an enemy.
Eat Well: Get a Warwick. Deploying Warwick, the whole team gains 50 max health. Health increases by 1 every 2 times the strongest Warwick attacks an enemy.

Best Equipment For Warwick TFT

Equipment Animal
Extreme Sword


Crazy Blade will help Warwick increase damage and attack speed, helping him to attack faster and more effectively. Sword of Death is also a good choice to increase Warwick's damage and attack speed, especially when the opponent has many champions that are quiet or difficult to move.

Blood sword is a useful item for Warwick to heal and maintain health in combat.

Warwick TFT Squad - ADMIN Gladiators

Tribe/Activation System

4 ADMIN, 4 Gladiators, 3 Laser Military Police, 2 Guards, 2 Hackers, 1 Main Force.


Shen, Riven, Morderkaiser, Renekton, Blitzcrank, Camille, Warwick, Leblanc.

Team Reviews

The Build Warwick TFT lineup will rotate the bloodthirsty beast Warwick. This is a melee champion that appeared in TDCL season 8.5 to replace the dark lord Zed. General Zed is remembered by gamers as a bloodsucker and shock dame Carry rear of the enemy team is quite good thanks to the Hacker system.

But sometimes Zed is too weak and fragile without a cloak of darkness. The advantages of Zed were thoroughly absorbed by Warwick such as abilities lifesteal, high attack speed. A plus point for Warwick is the ability to survive in combat is quite good. Warwick becomes much tougher and tougher thanks to the extra health boost from the Gladiator. In addition, the ADMIN champion also helps increase Warwick's maximum health.


When to Build Warwick Carry?

This is the ADMIN lineup – Gladiators use Warwick as the main Carry and Riven will be the Tanker general. You will use the formation of Warwick TFT – ADMIN Gladiator at the start of the game with many Gladiator generals and ADMIN on the chessboard. Also drops many pieces of equipment including earn BF to combine Blood Sword, Death Sword, Blue Bow.

If there are suitable ADMIN effect with Warwick such as Start Battle: increase attack speed/damage or effect Every 5 seconds: increase attack speed/Heal then Build this squad will be extremely effective and bring about high rankings for you in battle.

How to play?

This squad uses a standard leveling strategy that revolves around finding the 4-gold Warwick general as the key carry. You should focus on accumulating money, keeping health and level up 7, 8 to Roll Warwick as soon as possible.

Guide to Build Warwick TFT

In the early game, you should use form 3 pagans, 2 admins to keep health with 1, 2 gold generals. Lucian will be Warwick's temporary pawn and Sylas will be Riven's stash. With this form, Lucian's long arm and stable amount of Dame will help you keep health quite well. When activating the ADMIN effect, give priority to the effect of increasing %SMCK or permanently increasing maximum health.

In the middle of the game, when you have leveled up to level 6 in the 3-1 or 3-2 stage, you should build the team according to the form 4 gladiators, 2 admins and 2 hackers to keep health up 8 Roll Warwick. At this point, Jax will be a pawn champion for Warwick and you can optimize Riven's defense as well. Each stage of the match needs to improve the strength with higher gold pieces to not be short of damage, so basically if you have enough of this form you can defy health quite well.

Late game stage, when you have owned a Warwick monster and captured all forms. You can flexibly use Ashe or Yasuo instead Murder emperor if you don't have this champion. The purpose is to activate the 3 Laser Military Police landmark, helping Warwick increase his strength.


The important thing and the secret to winning against your opponent is to Rank Hackerim skillfully to be able to pull Warwick to move straight towards the enemy team's rear Carry. Warwick will kill Carry enemies in the blink of an eye if you stack Hackerim well.

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