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What is Arcade Game Genre?

Current Game arcade is an integral part of the history of the video game industry. Arcade games are often placed in game rooms and attract the attention of many players with colorful and attractive games.

From classic games like Space Invaders and Pac-Man to new games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. The arcade series has undergone a revolution in graphics, sound and gameplay. Each game has its own unique characteristics and makes players enjoy.


The gameplay of the Arcade series

Line play Game arcade usually designed to assess player skill. Put them in challenging situations to challenge, requiring focus and quick reactions. In arcade games, timing and scoring are often two important factors in determining a player's achievement.

Some games arcade classics has a simple structure. Where players only need to control a character or a racing car on the screen, attack or avoid opponents and get the highest score. However, some other arcade games have a more complex structure and require players to work in groups or play in multiplayer mode to accomplish a common goal.

The gameplay of casual arcade games very interesting and diverse. It can include tough challenges like moving through obstacles and avoiding opponents, or dramatic shooting games with opponents popping up all the time. Players can also show off their skills and creativity by using different tactics to defeat the opponents in the game.

History begin

The arcade series has a long history, starting in the years 1970 and 1980. At that time, arcade games were housed in colorful game rooms, attracting players from all over the world.

One of the first arcade games was Pong, developed by Atari in 1972. Pong is a simple but hugely popular game in which two players control the stick to hit the ball for each other. This game opened a new wave in the field of electronic entertainment and became the precursor to many other arcade games.

The 1980s were the heyday of arcade games. Games like Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Donkey Kong became a phenomenon with millions of players all around the world. Arcade game makers like Namco, Taito and Capcom are developing games with beautiful graphics and varied gameplay.

However, as home computers and game consoles became popular in the 1990s, the arcade game market began to decline.


Strength of the arcade series is high difficulty, sharp images, vivid sound and extremely exciting feeling when confronting the enemies in the game. In addition, arcade games also create an interesting social environment as players compete and compete against each other to conquer the highest records.

Although nowadays, with the development of home consoles and mobile devices, players can experience arcade games on these devices. However, these arcade game room still a special place, where players can enjoy the real feeling of playing arcade games with gestures, responsiveness and physical interaction.

In the future, the arcade series will probably continue to grow and offer new, more creative and interactive games. Regardless of those changes, the arcade series has always been a very important and special part of the video game industry.

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