Home » Top 3 Strongest 8.5 TFT Teams You Should Try

Top 3 Strongest 8.5 TFT Teams You Should Try

Hi TFT gamers, I'm AndrewD. And here is sharing about Top 3 Strongest 8.5 DTCL Teams which I tried to experience at PBE. Hopefully these useful shares will help you get interesting perspectives on team comps for the upcoming TFT 8.5 season on the official Riot Games server.

This is from AndrewD's personal experience of DTCLThere is no right or wrong or bad. Hope you will consult and give us more comments in the comment section below. Now let's explore this interesting article.


6 Gladiators + 4 ADMIN

Formation Carry

Warwick, Jax, LeBlanc, Riven, Camille, Lee Sin, Vi, Blitzcrank
Warwick, Jax


Here is a full ADMIN lineup with Warwick be your main carry & Gladiator will side Dame with Jax.

When to play this lineup?

– If you have many ingredients AD items like Wooden Bow, BF Sword or if you get any upgrade core for Warwick.

How to play

– This squad uses a standard leveling strategy that revolves around carrying a 4 gold champion.


– Early game stage: Play around ADMIN/Pagan. Let Lucian keep things for Warwick and Jax. Level 4 at stage 2-1.

– Mid-game: Add Gladiators to the frontline. Level up to level 6 at stage 3-2.

6 Duel + 2 Bull Soldiers + 2 Sorcerers

Formation Carry

Vayne, Twisted Fate, Nilah, Annie, Fiora, Yasuo, Gangplank
Vayne, Twisted Fate


Here is a full Duel lineup using Twisted fate be your main Carry while Nilah will be your core frontline with many Solari Necklace.

When to play this lineup?

– If you see a Duel's Heart, Badge or Crown, or you can craft multiple Solari necklaces. It's also possible that you're the only one in your Lobby that plays Duel or accidentally found 6 Duel at level 6.

How to play

– This squad uses a standard leveling strategy that revolves around carrying a 4 gold champion.



– Early game stage: Play 4 Duel. And Kayle is the gear holder for Twisted Fate. Level 4 at stage 2-1.

– Mid-game phase: Play 6 Duel. Iron Solari Chain Crafting. Level 6 in stages 3-2. Roll a bit to upgrade 2 star generals.

If you have a Wand use the Iron Solari Chain now. At level 8, add any Danger champion like Rammus, Fiddlesticks, or Urgot to increase the team's countermeasures.

5 Prodigies + 2 Guards + 2 Super Donkeys + 2 Guardians + 2 Bull Soldiers + 2 Mascots

Formation Carry

Gnar, Garen, Annie, Nunu, Ekko, Alistar, Lulu, Poppy
Gnar, Garen


This is the formation that the Prodigy uses Gnar 3 gold New as your main Carry!

When to play this lineup?

– If you see multiple copies of Gnar or Gnar Upgrade Cores or you get any Prodigy Hero Cores.

How to play

– This squad will accumulate coins and Roll at 50 gold to search for Gnar 3 stars.



– Early game stage: Play around the Prodigy. Level 4 at stage 2-1.

– Mid-game: Add Fiora and Jinx to activate more clans. Level 6 in stages 3-2.


Thus, we have introduced you to Top 3 Teams 8.5 . DTCL The Strongest You Should Try in the New Season. We will be working on detailed content on how to build different champions in the near future. Thank you for following our article among the millions of articles out there.

Picture Content
3 Strong Team 8.5 DTCL
Jhin DTCL 8.5

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