Star fetched US

It's important when you're pursuing a goal to never forget the integrity of the journey. Climbing offers more value and rewards than reaching the top. Why? Because it is the journey that will shape your personality, giving you the opportunity to realize your potential and test how much you really want to win.

It is the journey that teaches you, transforms you, and calls out the hidden talent within people. You must develop the qualities of an excellent person, such as consistency, courage, toughness, compassion, understanding. Rhys Randall, an astronaut who has just returned from a successful adventure, is in his father's shed repairing his ship. Soon after, a strange transmission begins to play over the radio asking for his help against an impending invasion from a powerful alien race.

Before he can answer, he finds himself teleported to an alien world in a distant solar system. With only a space suit and an energy gun, he must now gather enough resources to build a ship, explore the surrounding planets and find a way to protect the solar system from the most doom. determined. Download now Star fetched, to discover the journey of astronaut Rhys Randall.