Yaga The Roleplaying Folktale US

A child asked God: "If everything is written in fate, why should I wish?" God smiled and replied, “Maybe some of the pages I wrote were as you wish.” Fortunately, when I was a child, I once wished for something that seemed very silly, brothers.

At that time I was watching movies about ancient tribes and folklore and I wished that one day I would be immersed in that ancient world to learn how to forge swords and fight with them. monsters. It's really a childhood dream...

And fortunately, it seems that God also wrote a few pages of my life the way I wanted to experience it as a child. The one who brought Yaga The Roleplaying Folktale To me, the world of Yaga is a world steeped in Slavic folklore and ancient Pagan beliefs. With a head-shaking Romanian hip-hop soundtrack from Subcarpați and artwork 2D Outstanding hand drawn.

Yaga is an authentic love letter to childhood fables by Romanian indie developer, Breadcrumbs Interactive. Download the Game to experience it now, you will be transformed into the role of Ivan, a one-armed blacksmith with great bad luck, you must take on the impossible tasks given by tzar. Meanwhile, the mysterious witch, Baba Yaga, keeps an eye on Ivan's fate.