Code Kemono Friends: Kingdom

Did you know that a lot of players are hunting Code Kemono Friends: Kingdom? If you also want to own the game's gift code then you've come to the right place. Here we will give you 100% working gift codes.

If you do not know, Kemono Friends: Kingdom is a Turn-Based role-playing game that takes place in the same universe as the famous Anime Kemono Friends. You'll be free to explore the Kingdom, an abandoned amusement park where many animal girls you can befriend. Here is the list Gift Code Kemono Friends: Kingdom latest 2023.

GiftCode Duration Reward
ANIGIRL2023 ... Precious in-game rewards.
ServalD6GN 11/10 Precious in-game rewards.


| Instructions to change Code Kemono Friends: Kingdom

To redeem a Kemono Friends: Kingdom gift code, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Launch the game Kemono Friends: Kingdom on your device.


Step 2: At the main screen, click the . icon "Settings" located in the upper middle corner of the screen.

Step 3: Select item "Pack Redemption".

Step 4: Enter the gift code in the table above into the text box. Then press "OK" to receive rewards.

If you tried to use the code and it didn't work, it could be because the code has expired. Usually, most codes that we post all have expiration dates, but we don't always notice those codes.

So if you spot an expired code, please let us know in the comments and we'll remove it from our active code list.


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