Code Legend of Fighters: Duel Star

Are you looking for Code Legend of Fighters: Duel Star to hunt for extremely rare valuable rewards in the game? If yes, then you have chosen the right place to go. We will give you a 100% working gift code.

With the bonus from this gift code, will help you develop in the game to the best without having to spend money to recharge the game. Here is the list Gift Code Legend of Fighters: Duel Star Latest 2023.

GiftCode Duration Reward
letsgolof ... 500 Diamonds, 5 recruit tickets.


| Instructions to change Code Legend of Fighters: Duel Star

To redeem an in-game gift code, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Launch the game Legend of Fighters: Duel Star on your device.


Step 2: At the main screen, select the icon Player Avatar located in the top left corner.

Step 3: Continue to select item “Gift Code”.

Step 4: Enter the above gift code in the text box. Then choose "Confirm" to receive rewards.

In-game codes are regularly offered through special events, contests, and community activities. These codes can give players exclusive rewards, rare items, game money and other rewards, helping players progress quickly and have a more enjoyable experience.

However, it is important for players to remember that each code can only be used once only. This ensures fairness and prevents code abuse. So it is very important to use the code at the right time. Players are advised to check and use the code before it expires so as not to miss the chance to get valuable in-game rewards.


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