Home » Instructions for Pro Build Sett TFT Season 11

Instructions for Pro Build Sett TFT Season 11

Hello players TFT, I'm AndrewD and this tutorial is about how Build Sett TFT in the current season 11. I will help you learn information about optimal stats, skills, equipment, hero upgrade cores and the best formations to use Sett Carry in the game. This is a personal perspective, if you have any comments, please comment below.


Basic Parameters Sett TFT

Blood AD DPS
1100/1980/3564 65/98/146 55/83/124
Attack Range Attack speed Armor
1 0.85 70
Magical resistance Tribe Generation
70 Fate/Darkness Guard
Skill: Light and dark
Mana: 100/180
Activated:  Sett hugs the current target and hurls it forward, Stunning them and dealing physical damage. At the same time, he deals additional physical damage to surrounding enemies within a range of 2,5 cells.
Intrinsic: When combat begins, raise adjacent champions on the same row. Permanently gain 2% Attack Power for every 1000 Health gained.
Target Damage: 270 / 270 / 9001%
Ambient Damage: 120% Physical Damage + 30/45/2000% AP + 8/12/1000% Health
Fate Effect: Get 15% Full Blood Steal

Best Equipment for Sett TFT

Equipment Animal


Sett possesses the skill to deal large area damage with great damage, so building equipment is a must Increases damage and recovery very important. The Hand of Justice is an equipment that you should use.

Besides, Blood sword , and Power Giant also helps increase recovery ability, while increasing damage and resistance to avoid being shocked to death in combat. If you don't get many wooden bow pieces, you can build equipment towards critical.

Sett TFT Lineup

Tribe/Activation System

7 Fates, 2 Darkness, 2 Mages, 2 Death.


Ahri, Yasuo, Kindred, Aphelios, Thresh, Yone, Syndra, Sett.

Team Reviews

Sett owns skills can reach the enemy's backline and deal massive damage. Because of this factor, he will become a source of great damage that stirs up the enemy's defense to create space for your backline champions to deal damage.

Dealing multi-target damage with Aphelios and Kindred in the back line combined with Sett in the top line makes this squad one of the strongest squads at the present time in TFT season 11.

When should Build Sett Carry?

If you get a lot piece of wooden bow or “Badge of Destiny” in the early stages of the game. Or maybe you are the only person in the lobby playing this chess set.

How to play?

In this lineup, Sept. leaves main damage carry. Aphelios will provide damage support in the backline. But one important thing you should remember is that Thresh is also an important piece to block all damage that the enemy targets at the champions in the back line of your squad.

The best way to help deploy this formation is for you losing streak in the early stages of the game to be able to proactively receive necessary equipment in the shopping round. Accumulate gold and get to level 8 as quickly as possible.

Early game stage

Start the game with losing streak to have priority in choosing equipment for the shopping round. Because you will need a lot of wooden bow pieces to optimize the formation. If pieces of defensive equipment fall out, you can optimize Rek'Sai's defensive equipment to keep the best health.

Observe the lobby and consider installing equipment. Don't let your opponents break losing streak Delays accumulating gold to level 8.

Mid game

IN stage 3-1, after completing the shopping round upgrade level 6 for more opportunities to receive 3-cost champions like Aphelios or Thresh.

Once you reach level 7 and accumulate 50 gold after a long losing streak. This will be extremely sensitive time so you can come back with a winning streak and roll important generals to 3 stars.

If you have the opportunity to upgrade all 3-gold or 2-gold generals to 3 stars, upgrade them all. However, please Use a reasonable amount of gold to be able to upgrade to level 8 soon.

Late game stage

The period 4-5 Onwards, try to get to level 8. In the shopping rounds, prioritize catching Sett to complete your squad early. Let's Observe the lobby , and Sort Sett Stand in a reasonable position to be able to reach the opponent's main force.

Depending on the situation and progress of the match, you will make your own decision whether you want to roll all 2-gold and 3-gold generals to 3 stars or accumulate gold to continue to level 9 to pin 4 and 5 generals. other gold.

It's our own opinion on how Build Sett TFT. If you have any comments or suggestions, leave a comment below so we can discuss.

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