Home » Age of Evolution Tips For Beginners

Age of Evolution Tips For Beginners

Age of Evolution gained a lot of attention after its initial release. The game has a lot of interesting things in the mobile gaming world. In this article, we will discuss about Age of Evolution Game Tips for beginners.

Age of Evolution is a strategy game. Join the game, you can control the tribe and guide them to transition from the stone age to the information age. We've curated a beginner's guide. The guide gives you tips covering everything a beginner should know before getting in. The game is accessible on Google Play.


Develop and upgrade buildings

The first thing to do after entering the game is develope or build a building. Without doing so you will not be able to advance in the game. Every civilization will develop with full facilities, technology, military power and other infrastructures. So the game has provided you with 3 types of buildings. You can add buildings from each of these 3 categories to establish a civilization.

3 types of buildings military, economic and auxiliary. Each contains a variety of buildings that require different prerequisites to unlock. Moreover, the construction of these buildings or facilities will consume you various resources. The build process will only take a few seconds.

As soon as you build buildings. You have to improve them because each building will provide the correct output and contribution to civilization your. Therefore, you can improve the results by upgrading the facilities. Your civilization will grow faster if its results become richer.

Hero Summon

You will encounter many tribes trying to attack your civilization while it is being built. As the leader of the tribe at that time, you must support to against attacks of the enemy and destroy each of them. Therefore, you can call heroes for yourself in the game.

To summon heroes, you must first build an altar. Once done, you can tap it to access the summoning area. There are 2 summon banners there including premium summon banner and standard summon banner. The premium summons will give you the super hero. While the regular summon grants you less powerful heroes. However, you can summon heroes in your game to strengthen your army using both of these flags. You can call 2 or 1 heroes at the same time.

Master the battles

Now you can touch enemy tribes and send units to fight by their side after summoning the most powerful heroes. When the battle begins, your force faces a predetermined number of waves of enemies within a certain period of time. You will lose the challenge if not You can use your units to defeat every wave of enemy troops within the allotted time.

The heroes you send into battle have ultimate skills. You can use these skills after you have gathered enough required energy. Your units will automatically attack the enemy in this situation. Therefore, your only option is to use your ultimate power. Let your civilization progress from the stone age to the information age. You must strengthen its army. Then you should also try to train your units for effective results.

You can begin to train soldiers and strengthen your army after building the necessary facilities. You need more resources to complete the army training after starting. Otherwise you won't be able to train them. In addition, the entire military training process will take a short time.


This ends the post Age of Evolution Game Tips ours and some information for beginners. We hope you found this article helpful. Thank you for choosing to view our article among millions of articles out there. If you are interested in finding many new mobile games every day. Please visit the page Gamein.wiki every day.

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