Home » Supply Run and Wheel of Fantasy Events | Tower of Fantasy

Supply Run and Wheel of Fantasy Events | Tower of Fantasy

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Try your luck and find new outfits in Supply Run and Wheel of Fantasy Events new in Tower of Fantasy. Refer to the article for a list of in-game rewards, how to get them, and more.


Event launch date

Event time period Start: September 27, 09, 2022:09 (UTC)

End: 04/10/2022 10:00 (UTC)


Log in daily for 7 days during the event period to get rewards. Use Gachapon Coins for a chance to win Limited Items and new outfits.

Wheel of Fantasy Event Reward

Fantasy Gachapon
Coins x5
Avatar: Strawberry Afternoon Avatar Frame: Cordate Jellybean
Chat Bubble: Affection Red Nucleus x3 Gold Nucleus x3
Special Vouchers proof of purchase Advanced Module
Booster Module Weapon Battery III Matrix Data Pack III
Spacetime Rift Shard Omnium Handcannon Shard Joint Supply Chip I
Weapon Augment Kit Box Gold x5000


Women's Outfits
Fantasy Costumes Fantasy (Female) Night Butterfly
Men's Clothing
Fantasy (Male) Prism of Truth


| Use Dark Crystals for more spins

Players can also use Dark Crystals for an extra chance to get Gacha skins plus 5 free Gachapon Coins.

The maximum number of spins is 99 times, and the purchase limit is 94 times. You can get all the prizes in the prize pool if you reach the maximum number of draws for this event. Estimated approx 9400 Dark Crystals, you will definitely own this Fantasy costume.

Supply Run Event Reward

Every day, players will be rewarded with Red Nucleus, totaling 10 Red Nucleus within 7 days of continuous login.

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