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Teamfight Tactics: Round Market Guide | DTCL

If you are new to Auto Chess or you come from another Auto Chess game, you may have a hard time not knowing what to do on the first Round of Markets in TFT. In the writing “Teamfight Tactics Guide Round Shopping”, we'll explain how Round Market works and what you should look for.

If you are a new player or are still having trouble figuring out which items combine into what, immediately refer to our article to be able to make the most suitable choices for battles. strategy in your TFT game.


What is Round Market?

At the start of the game, every player will see a carousel that spins units with an item on it. By right click, you can move around and try to be the first to get a specific champion and item attached to that champion. At the start of the game, all units will be 1 gold and this will increase gradually as the game goes on.

Starting from Stage 2 (first pvp stage), every after Round 4 There will be a Round to go to the market. Again, you'll be able to get a champion with an item. At this point, the player will be released 2 people at once, starting with the player with the lowest health. Therefore, to be able to choose good champions and items, you can play a losing streak.

How to choose champions and items in Round Go Market

| Start Round of Market

The first round to go to the market can have a strong impact on the lineup you choose to play on. Please note that for players around Diamonds and below, you can do well by starting with just any item component, except apart from Silver Cloak.

To show this, I'm going to take a look at each item item and some powerful gear options you can choose from. This will help you decision Comp you want to start and how you decide to play the game.

Wooden Bow

One of the most popular items to start with is the Wooden Bow. This item is the best compared to other item components as some of the best items are assembled from Wooden Bows.

In addition, the Wooden Bow is still a strong item that can be used in many different formations.

  • Lien Thanh Cannon , and Crazy Bow Runaan are core items on many champions.
  • Guinsoo's Crazy Blade , and Statikk . Electric Knife  are great early game items.
  • Blue Bow , and Giant Slayer well suited to dealing with late game Tankers.

Earn BF

Another popular starter item choice is the BF Sword. Almost all the items you can build with the BF Sword are strong both early and late game.

  • Search infinity , and Giant Slayer are two of the items with the best damage.
  • The Spear of Shojin , and Hextech Gun Sword very strong against any team on many different units.
  • Blood sword is a great item for AD carriers to maintain.

Grid Armor

Unlike the BF Sword and Wooden Bow. Grid Armor is strong for different reasons. Bow and Sword are mainly used to increase your early game attack damage. However, Grid Armor is an item defense more, starts out a bit weaker, but can fit many chess sets.

  • Iron Solari Necklace , and Stone Armor Animal Statue are good early game items for any team.
  • Flame Cloak is a great defensive item.
  • Colossal Power also a great item suitable for Tanker generals but needs a bit of damage.

Training Gloves

Going back to the attack, the Training Glove is a powerful item as it helps you build offensive items for either the attack or the carry magic damage. It can also build into great defensive items.

  • Search infinity , and Blue Bow are items that deal massive damage on multiple attacks.
  • Jewel Gloves is also an item with great magic damage on most carries.
  • Quicksilver , and Cloak of Silence Also great defensive items.

Oversized Sticks

The Oversized Stick is still a powerful starter item, but it less flexible slightly more than Earn BF. There are some standout items, but these mostly translate into magic damage items, which are generally less versatile than attack damage items. However, the Oversized Staff can be an item stronger at the end of the game.

  • Iron Solari Necklace , and Guinsoo's Crazy Blade are great early game items.
  • Rabadon Witch Hat , and Jewel Gloves are items with huge magic damage.
  • Demon Letter Morello is a great utility item for almost any team.

We rate this item a bit lower than the items above simply because you don't have a massive attack damage item to craft outside of Guinsoo's Crazy Blade. Even so, if you really enjoy playing magic damage squads, this might be the item for you.

Giant Belt

Like Net Armor, Giant's Belt is a powerful item and flexibility in the early game. It doesn't necessarily direct you to a specific lineup, so you can choose this if you want some flexibility. We like Mesh Armor a bit more than Giant's Belt, but it's still a decent item.

  • Flame Cloak , and Storm Capacitor Zeke are powerful initial items that can fit into any comp.
  • Demon Letter Morello is a unique and very powerful item, as long as you have the right champion to hold it.
  • Warmog Blood Armor is a great defensive item for Tankers on the front lines.
  • Wind Sword also a very powerful item, but getting stronger towards the end of the game when you can use it to its fullest effect.

Tears of Goddess

Tears of the Goddess is an item that serves more for magic damage carry instead of attack damage. Similar to the Oversized Staff, if you want to play magic damage items, get these as they are built into important items for magic damage.

  • Statikk . Electric Knife is a great early game item, it also provides a nice debuff.
  • Cup of Strength is great on almost any team to give more Magic Power to your squad.
  • Green Charm is a powerful item that can turn some units into super carry like Sohm or Karma.

Golden Shovel

Although the Golden Shovel is a very powerful item, it can sometimes become a dead item. Starting with a Golden Shovel can be very powerful because of it opens you up to a lot of powerful combinations. However, in the mid or late game, this item can turn out to be a bad item if you can't use it effectively on your team.

Silver Cloak

The Silver Cloak is still a very solid item, but this item is often chosen last over the others. Some notable items include:

  • Blood sword is great for with high damage, lifesteal and a defensive armor.
  • Cup of Strength , and Wind Sword great for any team, but doesn't provide much power in the early game.
  • Runaan's Madness very good to increase the damage of auto attack.
  • Stone Armor Animal Statue very suitable for turning a general into a super Tanker.

Late Market Rounds

After the initial Market Round, you will have several goals for the rest of the next Market Round in TFT.

| Round go to market 2-3

In Round 2 and 3, you just want choose an item ingredient that you need. Getting an item ingredient that you can instantly use and combine will give your team maximum power. You can also consider buying an item component that you really need but can't build an item right away.

Ideally you Choose a general with a lot of gold and hold the item you need. But sometimes you may have to get 1 gold champion because they hold the item you need on them.

| Round go to market 4

In this Round, the 4 gold generals will begin to appear.

  • If you are strong and healthy, prioritize getting the item ingredients you need the most.
  • But, if you are in need of a 4 gold champion, you should choose a 4 gold champion to complete the lineup.
  • Finally, you see an item you want lying on the 4 gold champion, go straight to it immediately.

| Round go to market 5

In Round 5, the Carousel will only items are combined. Keep this in mind when combining items before this point. You cannot get onto the carousel during Stage 6, which will have both items and ingredients combined. As such, make sure to combine what items you can.

Many 5 gold champions will start appearing here, so think about whether they give your party more than a specific item. Finally, you may also want to see what items or champions other players want. You can choose to take what your opponent wants to prevent them from becoming stronger instead of taking what you want yourself.

Related Instructions

Beginner's Guide
Guide Round Shopping


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