Home » 4 Reasons You Should Roll Itto in Genshin Impact 3.3

4 Reasons You Should Roll Itto in Genshin Impact 3.3


Itto is a strong character, however his banner is not really popular. Here's why you should Roll Itto in Genshin Impact 3.3! Arataki Itto is a 5-star Geo Claymore main DPS that deals massive Geo damage when his Elemental Burst is activated.

He is almost an upgraded version of Noelle with more damage. Itto is the last character to unlock the Mono-Geo squad, one of the strongest so far in Genshin. In this article, Gamein.wiki will introduce the top 4 reasons you will need Itto in this Genshin Impact 3.3.


1. Building a single geographical group

Among the Meta lineups in Genshin Impact, the Geo team is probably the most perfect. They are great in all attack and defense, with strong shield and high HP. Itto is almost a must-have character if you want to build a single Geo team. His kits are fast and powerful, allowing him to deal massive Geo damage.

Similar to Noelle, he works best when his Elemental Burst is active. However, the player needs to run the character on battery power to compensate for its high energy cost.

2. Added Geo support like Gorou and Albedo

If you already have geo-support characters like Gorou and Albedo, getting Itto is a must. Gorou, in particular, is a crazy character. He can increase DEF for the whole party, in addition to interrupt resistance and Geo DMG.

At C4 and C6, Gorou can even gain extra health and increase Geo CRIT DMG. Therefore, if you already have a high constellation level on Gorou, then leveling him up for Itto would be a great idea.

3. Easy and simple way to play

Itto's gameplay is quite simple with the main loop being skills, deal damage and spam attacks extremely strong. Arataki Itto changes his weapon to the Oni King's Kanabou featured in battle and infused his Normal, Charge, and Javelin attacks into the Geo DMG.

When his burst is activated, Arataki Itto will gain 10% ATK SPD Bonus and ATK Boost based on his DEF. Therefore, most of Arataki Itto's damage occurs while he is in Burst Mode.

4. Great AoE Ability

Itto's skill set has a large selling AOE that allows you attack multiple enemies with powerful attacks. Ending his Attack adds this AOE making Itto great against groups of enemies.

On top of that, he can also quickly move towards the enemy and further increase his speed. This is very different from the usual messy play style common to Claymore users.

Related Instructions


| Before starting the game

| Guide to leveling

| Frequently asked questions

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