Home » How to Build Diona | Genshin Impact

How to Build Diona | Genshin Impact

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Diona is an Ice, Bow wielding and 4-star rarity in Genshin Impact. Let's learn about how Build Diona, Ascension Materials, Best Weapons, Best Relics, Prioritize Talents, Skills, Teams, and Our Rating of Diona's Character in this Building Guide!

Diona's Character Guide
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Diona information and ratings

| Character information





EN Voice Actor: Dina Sherman
JP Voice Actor: Izawa Shiori


| Rank list of Tiers

Main DPS Extra DPS Support Explore


| Diona's stats

HP Attack Defense Ascension statistics
Lv.20 2.061 69 129 Ice DMG +0%
Lv.80 8.907 198 559 Ice DMG +24%


| Diona's Strengths and Weaknesses

Diona's Strengths
• Heal and Shield Strength both increase with her HP.

• Elemental Mastery can apply Ice continuously on enemies.

• The Passive skill allows her to create more healing food while cooking.

Diona's Weakness
• Low base HP and DEF.

• Low DMG potential.

The best construction

Proposed role for Diona



The best weapon
Elegy for the End
Alternative Weapons
1.Sacrificial Bow
2.West Wind Warbow
The best holy relic
Noblesse Oblige x4
Main stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: % HP or mana recharge
Genshin - The CupGoblet: %HP
Genshin - CircletCirclet: %HP or Healing
Sub-stats % HP, HP, recharge energy


This build uses Diona as a buffer thanks to the holy relic set Noblesse Obligate. This set is recommended if you currently have no one else on your team using Noblesse Oblige.


The best weapon
Elegy for the End
Alternative Weapons
1.Sacrificial Bow
2.West Wind Warbow
The best holy relic
Tenacity of the Millelith x2
Emblem of Severed Fate x2
Main stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: % HP or mana recharge
Genshin - The CupGoblet: %HP
Genshin - CircletCirclet: %HP or Healing
Sub-stats % HP, HP, recharge energy


This build of Diona specializes in pure support from healing and providing shields for the party. This build is especially important if you want Diona's Elemental Mastery ready as soon as you can.

| Prioritize Diona's Talents

1 Elemental Mastery
2 Elemental Skills


Diona's Elemental skill and Elemental Mastery are both very necessary to keep your party members alive, so level them up to increase efficiency. We don't recommend leveling up her Basics talent as it's unnecessary and the DMG is very lackluster.

The best set of holy relics

| Ranking of the best relic set

Holy relic Bonus points
1 Noblesse 2-PC: Elemental Mastery's DMG +20%.
Using Elemental Mastery increases the ATK of all party members by 20% for 12 seconds. This effect cannot be stacked.
2 tenacity 2-PC: HP + 20%
emblem 2-PC: Energy Charge +20%
3 tenacity 2-PC: HP + 20%
Maiden 2-PC: Character's healing effect +15%.


| Best 4-star relic for Diona

Holy relic Bonus points
Instructor 2-PC: Increases Elemental Mastery to 80.
4-PC: When Elemental Reaction is active, increase all party members' Elemental Mastery by 120 for 8 seconds.

The most suitable weapon

| Top 3 Best Weapons

Prioritized Weapons Weapon Information
1 Elegy for the End
Index: Mana Recharge +12.0%
Skill Effect: Get a raise 60 degrees adept. Gets a cue when dealing damage with Elemental Skills or Explosion every 2 seconds even while off the field. At 4 signs, all signs will be consumed and Elemental Mastery increased 100 and increased attack Present in several = 20% in 12 seconds. When the effect is active, you cannot gain a Mark for 20 seconds. Similar buffs from the Millennial Movement series do not stack.
2 Sacrificial Bow
Index: Mana Recovery +6.7%
Skill Effect: After damaging an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has Present in several = 40% chance to end the CD itself. Can only happen once per 30s.
3 West Wind Warbow Index: Mana Recharge +13,3%
Skill Effect: Hits CRIT has Present in several = 60% chance to generate a small amount of Elemental Particles, which will restore 6 Energy to the character. Can only happen once per 12s .


| Best free weapon for Diona

Weapons Weapon Information

Recurve Bow

Index: HP +10,2%
Skill Effect : Defeat opponents to recover 8% HP.


| All recommended weapons for Diona

Recommended Weapons How to get
Elegy for the End gacha
Sacrificial Bow gacha
West Wind Warbow gacha
Recurve Bow Events

Best Team

| The best lineup for Diona

Diona is a multi-tasker, capable of supporting, healing, and damaging at the same time. She can easily fit with any team.

Senior team

Support Main DPS Support Extra DPS
dione Dilute Winds yanfei


- Diona as a support can easily apply Ice on enemies with the Elemetal Skill, while also creating a shield. She won't be a DPS in place, but she can be relied on to pass Ice to enemies when she's out.

– Diluc will be the person DMG . handling at the scene. After Diona uses her Elemental Skill, switch to Diluc and use any of his skills to mine Melt. He can then stay on the field until Diona's cooldown expires.

– Venti can easily group of enemies. Ask him to use his Elemental Mastery, then Diona's Elemental Skill to spin Ice. This can then end with Diluc or Yanfei to create Melt.

– Yanfei will allow you to create some distance between enemies while Diluc is heals or waits on cooldown. With her there, your team will also have Pyro resonance.


Support Main DPS Support Extra DPS
dione xiangling Amber Lisa


– In this lineup, Diona will be active as a support to provide elemental reactions, shields, or heal when needed.

– Xiangling will be the main DPS. Her Physical and Fire damage can carry the whole team when taking damage.

– Amber and Xiangling will have a Fire resonance to deal extra damage. She can also control the crowd for the team with her skills.

– Lisa can easily cause Overcharged or superconducting, both benefit the team. Her Elemental Burst also provides physical damage that Xiangling can take advantage of.

Best Constellation

| Constellations and effects

Constellation Feles
C1 A Lingering Flavor

Restores 15 Energy to Diona after ending the effect of Signature Mix .

C2 Shaken, Not Purred

Increase DMG for Icy Paws increased by 15% and increased the shield's DMG absorption by 15%. Additionally, when the paws hit their target, creates a shield for other nearby characters on the field with 50% of the shield's damage absorbed. Icy paws in 5 seconds.

C3 A-Another Round?

Increase the Level of signature mix to 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.

C4 Wine Industry Slayer

In the radius of Signature Mix, Diona's cast time on targeted shots is reduced by 60%

C5 Double Shot, On The Rocks

Increase the level of Icy paws to 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.

C6 Cat's Tail Closing Time

Characters within the radius of Signature Mix will gain the following effects based on their HP:

• Increases Health Heal Bonus by 30% when HP falls below or equal to 50%.

• Elemental Mastery increases by 200 when HP is above 50%.


| Best constellation ratings and legends

Ranking Constellation effect
C1 ★★ ☆ • Restores 15 Energy to Diona after ending 's effect Signature Mix.
C2 ★★ ☆ • Increases DMG for Icy Paws by 15% and increases shield's DMG absorption by 15%. Additionally, when paws hit their target, shields other nearby characters on the field with 50% of the Icy Paws shield's DMG absorption for 5 seconds.
C6 ★★★ • Characters within the Signature Mix radius will gain the following effects based on their HP:
• Increases Health Heal Bonus by 30% when HP falls below or equals 50%.• Elemental Mastery increases by 200 when HP is above 50%

C1 is good enough

For players who are willing invest a little more for Diona, unlocking her first constellation is a good stop. Her Elemental skill already provides 4 Elemental Particles, so adding a summoner spell that gives her 15 mana after using the explosion will keep it being used after the cooldown.

C2 is great for Co-op

Diona's 2nd constellation not only gives you a sure shield but also creates a shield for other players in co-op play. If you want to protect your friends from certain doom, get Diona's 2nd Constellation!

C6 can be great

On paper, her C6 could be a great utility that she provides. However, it can be a bit difficult to take advantage of this.

Her Elemental Mastery applies Ice on enemies via pulse, so it can mess with certain Elemental Reactions that your main DPS, is supposed to be the one to generate.

Ascension and Tales Documents

| Diona's Ascension Material

Lv.20 → Lv.40
Calla Lily's pictureCalla Lily × 3
Image of Shivada Jade SliverShivada Jade Sliver × 1
The image of the company's arrowheadStrong arrowhead × 3
Lv.40 → Lv.50
Calla Lily's pictureCalla Lily × 10
Shivada jade fragment imageShivada jade piece × 3
The image of the company's arrowheadStrong arrowhead × 15
Fog core imageSalt Mist Core × 2
Lv.50 → Lv.60
Calla Lily's pictureCalla Lily × 20
Shivada jade fragment imageShivada jade piece × 6
Sharp arrowhead imageSharp arrowhead × 12
Fog core imageSalt Mist Core × 4
Lv.60 → Lv.70
Calla Lily's pictureCalla Lily × 30
Image of Shivada Jade ChunkShivada Jade Chunk × 3
Sharp arrowhead imageSharp arrowhead × 18
Fog core imageSalt Mist Core × 8
Lv.70 → Lv.80
Calla Lily's pictureCalla Lily × 45
Image of Shivada Jade ChunkShivada Jade Chunk × 6
Weathered arrowhead imageWeathering arrowhead × 12
Fog core imageSalt Mist Core × 12
Lv.80 → Lv.90
Calla Lily's pictureCalla Lily × 60
Image of gem Shivada JadeShivada Jade Gemstone × 6
Weathered arrowhead imageWeathering arrowhead × 24
Fog core imageSalt Mist Core × 20


| Diona's Talent Upgrade Document

Domains every day Monster Weekly Boss

Teachings of Freedom

Ranged Hilichurls

Firm Arrowhead

Childe's Challenge

Shard of Foul Legacy

Guide to Freedom Sharp Arrowhead
Philosophies of Freedom Weathered Arrowhead

How to use Diona

| Recommended rotation for Diona

Recommended rotation
1 Start with Elemental Skill to power Elemental Mastery and produce shields for the whole team
2 Switch to someone else and deal damage until Diona's Burst.
3 Use Elemental Mastery when healing is needed.
* In high constellation, use Burst before performing elemental attacks to increase DMG.


| Using Diona's elemental skill

Use to get an Ice shield

You can use Diona's Elemental Skill when unlocked in battle to get yourself one Ice Shield. It's not as heavy as other shields, but has a low cooldown so you can keep crafting it throughout the battle.

Apply Ice to the enemy

Besides the shield, Diona's Elemental Skills will also Launches Ice bullets causes enemies to hit it with Ice. Since it's working, it's an easy way to use Ice as a setup for Elemental Reaction.

| Diona's Elemental Mastery Uses

Freeing to heal the characters

Best should save Elemental Mastery of Diona when your main DPS needs to recover. It's a skill on the field and will greatly benefit your active character with its constant healing.

Apply Cryo to enemies within range

If you need a quick, multi-target Ice application, Diona's Elemental Mastery will work for that. All enemies in its field will have Ice applied so you can set it up for Elemental Reaction.


| Basic Attack: Hunter Archery

Skill Description
Perform up to 5 consecutive arrow shots.

The higher the damage, the more accurate the aim.
When aiming, cold air will accumulate on the arrow. Arrows filled with cold air deal Ice Elemental Damage.

Answer Attack:
Fires arrows in quick succession to the ground, dealing ranged damage when it hits the ground.

Properties Effect (Lvl 1)
1-Hit DMG Present in several = 36.12%
2-Hit DMG Present in several = 33.54%
3-Hit DMG Present in several = 45.58%
4-Hit DMG Present in several = 43%
5-Hit DMG Present in several = 53.75%
Stare and shoot Present in several = 43.86%
Capacitor Aiming Shot Present in several = 124%
Response Damage Present in several = 56.83%
Damage When Falling From Low/High Heights 113.63% / 141.93%


| Cold Cat Claw

Skill Description
Shoots frozen cat claws dealing Ice Elemental Damage to enemies and forming a shield when hit.
Shield's damage absorption is affected by Diona's HP cap, duration based on how many Frosty Cat's Claw hits.

Quick-fire 2 Frosty Cat's Claw.

Hold down
Step back and shoot 5 Frosty Cat's Claw.
Long press forms Shield, absorbs 75% more damage.
Shield will absorb 250% of Ice Elemental Damage, and when formed, will grant additional Ice Elemental Damage.

Properties Effect (Lvl 1)
Cat Claw Damage 41.92% each
Basic Absorption Shield 7.2% Max HP + 693
Extended time Each Cat Claw 1.8s
CD Press 6s
CD Press Hold 15s


| Fierce Specialty

Skill Description
Throws specially crafted stones that deal Ice Elemental Range Damage and create an area of ​​Ice Wine Vapor.

Ice Wine Vapor Area
Deals to enemies within it continuous Ice Elemental Damage.
·Recover HP continuously for the character in it.

Properties Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill Damage Present in several = 80%
Area sustained damage Present in several = 52.64%
Continuous amount of therapy 5.34% HP Limit + 513
Time Stretched 12s
CD 20s
Elemental Energy 80

| Cat Tail Secret Menu

The character is protected by the Cold Cat's Claw Shield, movement speed increases by 10%, health cost is reduced by 10%.

| Funny Drunk

For 15 seconds after an enemy enters the Stronghold Special Zone, their ATK is reduced by 10%.

| Bonus Aisles

Perfectly cooks a recovery type dish, has a 12% x2 yield rate.

How to own Diona

| Roll from active banners

All current wish banners
Invitation Epitome Oni's Royale

Wanderlust Invocation


dione available at normal rate on all Standard Wish Banners except for the Beginner's Wish. This means you can get her from the current Wanderlust Invocation, Epitome Invocation and Character Event Wish.

Diona's in-game information

Cat Tail Pub Special
Nation: mondstadt
Faction:House of Kätzlein
Birthday: February 18th
Vision: Ice
Constellation: Shot
Race: Human
Sex: Female

Related Instructions

All Characters


| Character by element

Character by element
Fire Wind Lighting
Country Soil Ice


| Characters are now available

All characters
Anemo Traveler Jeans Winds
Sucrose Xiao Sayu
kazuha Heizhou Aloy
Rosaria Ayaka kaeya
chongyun Qiqi dione
shenhe ganyu Eula
Raiden Traveler (Electro) Lisa
Razor fischl Beidou
keqing Sara Yae miko
Shinobu Traveler (Geo) Noelle
ningguang gorou zhongli
yun-jin albedo itto
Barbara Mona Xing Qiu
tartaglia ayato Yelan
kokomi Amber Dilute
Klee Bennett xiangling
xinyan Yohimiya yanfei
Thomas Hu Tao


| Characters coming soon

All characters
Scaramouche Pulcinella yansan
Lynette lyney Daisley
Skirk cyno boats
Alice Dori tsaritsa
baizhu Dendro Traveler Captain
Tignari Colley nahida
nilou dehya AIhaitham


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