Home » How do you change the Character Class in Diablo Immortal

How do you change the Character Class in Diablo Immortal

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Change character class is a new feature included in Blizzard's Diablo Immortal game. Read the article to know how to change the character class and all the features related to changing the class!


Character class change is currently not available

Class change feature is not available in versions Alpha Test before. However, we recommend that you create only one class and focus on leveling that character.

Will be deployed shortly after release

The character class change feature will be added right after the game officially launches Open Beta. Playing only one character will allow you to change your character in the middle of the game without starting from scratch.

Sometimes, we get bored playing all the time, so this is quite an interesting feature, helping players freely change their taste without worrying about leveling up, re-up Gearing from the beginning is time consuming.

Guide to Build Characters

Gear will swap Class and keep its attributes

All current Gears Your gear will automatically be changed to Gears equivalent to your new character class. It's not yet known how this will work specifically so stay tuned for more information, we'll update the details as soon as we get an official word from Blizzard Entertainment.

Levels and Paragons also stay the same

By changing their character class, the player will don't lose levels and paragon mine. This makes changing character classes a better option if you want to maintain game progress instead of creating a new character and starting everything from zero.

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