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Simulacrum Overview: Coco Ritter | Tower of Fantasy

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Coco Ritter is an innocent and sweet young Simulacrum, Coco Ritter dedicated to taking care of her allies through her healing abilities. Let's find out with us Overview of Simulacrum Coco Ritter, Coco Ritter's weapons and stats in Tower of Fantasy. Check out Coco Ritter's combos, best matrices, weapon upgrade materials, awakenings and more!


Character Profile Coco Ritter

| Character Profile Coco Ritter

Height: 147cm
Place of birth: Hagarge
Horoscope: Gemini
Date of birth: February 1th
Sex: Female
Voice Actor EN: Lexi Fontaine
Voice actor JP: Kito Akari

Coco Ritter's Weapon

Absolute Zero
Weakness: 4

Battery Charger: 12,5


| Coco Ritter's Weapon Stats

Attack 15
Resistance 7
HP 1165
Critical -


| Weapon effect

Ice Shell

Fully charged weapons will freeze target in 2 seconds and freezes the target for 6 second. Breaking the ice shell deals bonus damage equal to Present in several = 151% ATK. While frozen, the target's weapon accumulation rate decreases Present in several = 50%.

| Coco Ritter's Weapon Advancements

Number of stars Effect
1 ★ After dodging, summon a healing bee that follows the user and heals the ally with the lowest HP percentage within 15 with. Islam Present in several = 25% attack and recover 50 Points charge weapon energy each time and last for 25 second. Cooldown time: 25 seconds.
2 ★ Increases current weapon's base HP by Present in several = 16%.
3 ★ Using Sanctuary or an electric discharge skill to remove debuffs from the target, can be used while affected by crowd control. Get a raise Present in several = 20% shards and damage dealt to all allies in range, and grants them immunity to crowding and shards.
4 ★ 32% increase HP Basics of current weapons.
5 ★ Increase Present in several = 15% healing effect, plus Present in several = 20% when healing targets with HP below Present in several = 60%.
6 ★ Whenever a healing bee is summoned or disappears from battle, heal all allies with Present in several = 100% ATK of the user. All allies within range 10 meters from the healing bee also received Present in several = 15% all damage and healing (cannot stack).


| Coco Ritter's Weapon Upgrade Materials

Absolute Zero weapon ability

| Normally

| Avoid

| Skill

| Discharge

Coco Ritter's Best Matrix


| Features of Simulacrum

Point Effect
1200 When Coco Ritter uses a support weapon, increase Present in several = 20% the healing effect she inflicts on others and receives.
4000 When Coco Ritter uses a support-type weapon, the healing and healing effects increase Present in several = 20%, and when using the power discharge skill or weapon skill of the support weapon, the ATK of the skilled troops around you will increase. 15% and exist in 5 seconds.

Guide related to Tower of Fantasy

All Characters & Simulacra

| All SSR Simulacrum

Coco Ritter Crow Huma King
Meryl Nemesis Samir Shiro
Tsubasa Zero Frigg Claudia


| All SR Simulacrum

Bai ling Echo Jan Hilda


| Characters coming soon


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