Home » Guide Pro Build Nunu TFT Season 8.5

Guide Pro Build Nunu TFT Season 8.5

Hello gamers TFT, I'm AndrewD and this tutorial is about how Build Nunu TFT in the current TFT 8.5 season. I will help you learn information about stats, skills, optimal equipment, hero upgrade cores and the best formations to use Nunu Carry in the game. This is a personal view, if you have any suggestions, please comment below.


Basic Specifications Nunu TFT

Blood AD DPS
1337/2406/4331 0/0/0 0/0/0
Attack Range Attack speed Armor
1 0.2 60
Magical resistance Tribe Generation
60 Child prodigy Mascot
Skill: Dark Horizons
Mana: 0/90
Activated: Nunu and Willump increase the size of the orb, increase the speed and radius of the orb, and deal 40% damage.
Intrinsic: Nunu and Willump slowly roll an orb around the board towards the furthest enemy, dealing magic damage to all enemies it passes through and gaining mana every second.
Damage: 135/205/2000

Hero Upgrade Core

Rolling Around the World: Get a Nunu. Nunu gains 30 bonus magic power and restores 10 mana per second.
Comedy Master: Get a Nunu. When Nunu is on the board, the team gains 20 AP and increases 5 AP per second.

Best Equipment For Nunu TFT

Equipment Animal


Nunu is a general in the game Arena of Truth season 8.5, can both play the role of Tanker and have the ability to deal quite strong damage to the opponent's squad by snowballing around the map. However, Nunu often chooses to roll towards the farthest target, leading to an opponent that can easily dodge and partially counter Nunu's effectiveness.


To help Nunu reduce the magic resistance of all enemies he rolls over, Lightning Crossbow It is an indispensable piece of equipment. If you want to build Nunu in Tanker style, then Fire Armor, Blood Armor will be the next suitable equipment. Finally, if you want to build with full damage, you can use Gun Control , and Jewel Gloves to increase damage.

Nunu TFT Lineup



We will soon complete this content as soon as possible to bring readers the strongest Pro Build Nunu TFT lineups in the 8.5 DTCL season!


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