Home » Guide Pro Build Poppy TFT Season 8.5

Guide Pro Build Poppy TFT Season 8.5

Hello gamers TFT, I'm AndrewD and this tutorial is about how Build Poppy TFT in the current TFT 8.5 season. I will help you learn about stats, skills, optimal equipment, hero upgrade cores and the best formations to use Poppy Carry in the game. This is my personal point of view, if you have any suggestions, please comment below.


Poppy TFT Basic Specifications

Blood AD DPS
650/1170/2106 60/90/135 33/50/74
Attack Range Attack speed Armor
1 0.55 45
Magical resistance Tribe Generation
45 Child prodigy Guardian
Skill: Shield Throw
Mana: 40/80
Activated: Poppy throws her shield at the furthest enemy, dealing magic damage equal to % of her Armor. The shield will then bounce back to Poppy, granting her a shield that blocks damage for 3 seconds.
% Armor Damage: 175 / 250 / 375%
Shield: 250/300/375

Hero Upgrade Core

Super Alloy Shield: Get a Poppy. Poppy gains 180 Armor.
Unshakeable: Get a Poppy, the first fight Poppy will give the whole team 325 Virtual Armor.

Best Equipment For Poppy TFT

Equipment Animal


Poppy is one of the rare 1 gold champions that can still be used effectively until the end of the game in Teamfight Tactics season 8.5! If you are lucky enough to upgrade Poppy to 3 stars, you can turn Poppy into a main carry when you have a Super Alloy Shield core.


Poppy's ability deals magic damage so 1 Jewel Gloves It would be extremely reasonable to increase Poppy's damage. The skill deals damage based on the amount of Physical armor so Cape of Thorns would be a reasonable choice for Poppy to be able to one shot one kill.

Poppy is a champion with only 1 attack range and only Physical armor buffs, so it will be very scary to encounter houses that deal magic damage, so Dragon Claw or Animal Statue would be the right choice for this girl.

Poppy TFT Lineup - Guardians & Divine Armor

Tribe/Activation System

6 Guardians, 3 God Armor, 2 Gladiators.


Poppy, Rell, Garen, Jax, Wukong, Riven, Shen.

Team Reviews

Over the course of 8 very interesting TFT seasons, we have encountered many systems with physical armor buff effects. In this season 8.5, the Guard is also a similar system when providing the whole team with Physical armor. Poppy with skills Throw a shield to deal damage Based on the current armor and the core "Super Alloy Shield" has become a prestigious carry of the Guard when able to one shot one kill.


Especially the Guards chess set add more Garen replaces the Set of 4-money generals with wide area control. This will be a good option that you should test in this 13.7 version!

When to Build Poppy Carry?

If you find the hero core Poppy “Super Alloy Shield”. Or you can combine very strong equipment for Poppy very early or Poppy out a lot. Or maybe you are the only one in the lobby playing this chess set and no one is competing with you.

How to play?

With this lineup, Poppy will be the main source of damage. With the giant buff, Garen will take on the main Tanker position in the upper tier. The optimal strategy is slow roll at level 5 and 6 to search for 3 star Poppy then upgrade to 7 to find all 6 Guardians.

Early game stage

Let's start the match with one piece Grid Armor, Magic Staff to add the ability to def blood for the squad. Prioritize picking up Net Armor because it is easy to pair Animal Statues or Cape of Thorns for Poppy. Equipment such as Cloak of Thorns, Gloves of Gems will be very useful for the early game.

If you want to make good use of this chess set, you must have an early game def frame. Please use 3 Prodigies to be able to hack 1 more equipment easily def blood early game. Add 1 Guard to get more tanks for Poppy and help her deal more damage.

Mid game

Come up level 6 at stage 3-2 find enough frames of 4 Guardians, 3 Prodigies. You should Slow Roll to get 3 stars Poppy. At this stage, still keep the Prodigy to hack more health items. This phase prioritizes adding Dragon Claw or Animals to Poppy and Fire Armor or Blood Armor for Annie to hold Garen.

You should catch yourself Jax and Shen on the queue to then level 7 to add to the field of Shen Armor and Guard.

Late game stage

Arrive stage 4-1 Roll really hard to quickly upgrade Poppy to 3 stars then level 7. Prioritize finding Garen in the squad, remove 2 Prodigies because the effect has expired, then add Jax and Shen prepared in advance. yard. The remaining tank items are transferred to Garen to hold for a sturdy tank.

When successfully optimizing the squad with 3-star Poppy and 6 Guardians. Level 8 if you have an excess of Physics items, use Samira to help Poppy's damage, and if you have an excess of Magic items, use Miss Fortune or Aurelion Sol. Build Poppy TFT Ours ends here. This is our own opinion, if you want to contribute to this squad, please comment below!


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